Hace muchos años, cuando saltaba de barca en barca por los puertos del atlántico en Galicia, pensé en este mecanismo como generador de energía. Me ha alegrado mucho verlo desarrollado.
DEXAWAVE provides a solution to cheap and reliable wave energy from ocean waves.
It's a simple construction and consists of two rigid pontoons, hinged together in the center, which allows one pontoon to pivot in relation to the other. In between is placed a power takeoff system, based on Aquagear, a low pressure power transmission technology, based on water.
The unique technical advantages to the DEXAWAVE wave energy converter are numerous.
DEXAWAVE can produce electricity at almost the same price level as Coal, Natural Gas, Onshore Windturbine etc.
This is realised by use of low cost materials with long life expectancy, and low maintenance requirement.
The DEXAWAVE wave energy converter is currently being developed in and around the waters of Denmark.
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